How to Paint a Landscape with acrylics step by step

Introduction to Acrylic Painting, and how to paint a complete landscape with a limited palette. ACTIVATE SUBTITLES TO READ EXPLANATIONS.

All this painting tutorial is completely explained in the subtitles, including list of materials, painting techniques, etc.

I have a narrated version of this video in spanish at my channel "Arte Vivo y Divertido" Direct Link:

Acrylics (Vallejo, Amsterdam and Reeves): Lemon Yellow, Dark Cadmium Yellow, Ftalo Blue and Ultramarine Blue, phtalo Green and Sap Green, Magenta and Cadmium Red, Burnt Sienna, Black of Mars and White.
disposable palettes
Brushes: Flat brushes nº 24, 14, and 4; Filbert nª12, Round nº3, Fan Brush.
Watercolor 300 grams paper
Absorbent Paper

When I made this painting, practically live, I did not know that so many people were interested in learning to paint with acrylics.
Personally, I consider acrylic painting the real present and future of artistic painting.
The materials for painting with acrylics have been for many years, a great quality, and artists have been decades and decades expanding techniques and ways to apply acrylic paint in their works of art.
In this video I show you how, with a limited range of colors, you can achieve a whole range of lights and depth when painting landscapes.
In a landscape, achieving the sensation of depth is the only real goal that you must pursue, the rest is important, but not so much. I hope you find it useful!


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