How to draw realistic mountains with pencil, step by step and easy : Drawing The Easy Way

Do you really want to draw impresive, terrific mountains? Here you'll find how! In this tutorial you'll see a really easy and professional techniques to draw mountains with just a pencil.

In this video I'll talk very little... I'm testing to make a tutorial series in the same way, please comment if you like or not this.Free Drawing and Painting Tutorials: Fine Art Alive and Funny  is a channel where you can learn to draw and paint like a pro, but in an entertaining and fun way. The artist and professor Jose Manuel Gallego Garcia will guide you every video, so you can learn and enjoy drawing and painting.
ONE REGULAR PENCIL (2B hardness is better)
Drawing paper 90 grams
Kneaded eraser
regular eraser
 Tips: Take the pencil with ease, do not grab it as if it were your life in it.
Elevated mountains like these are no more than triangles with slightly irregular sides.
Nothing happens to have to erase, the eraser is one more element of artistic drawing (do not let anyone tell you otherwise)
In this video I use a normal pencil and a sheet of very cheap drawing paper, always use the drawing material you have on hand, and buy the best you can afford without ruining yourself. But above all, have the material you have: practice every day, and so you will see how in a short time you are a great artist.

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